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Courtyard + Bistro 

Our charming Courtyard + Bistro is open for walk in's and by reservation:


Lunch Service: Monday through Saturday   

first seating 11am to last seating 2pm 


Dinner Service: Tuesday through Saturday

first seating 5pm to last seating 9:30pm        

We're so excited that we can better accommodate large groups and business meetings now!

(note: minimum charge actually means to include food and drink and then you and your guests don't need to have a certain amount of guests)

Barrel Room: minimum 20 to maximum 36 guests or... minimum charge of $750 

Bistro Room: minimum 10 to maximum 20 or... minimum charge of $500

Barrel + Bistro Room combined: minimum 37 guests to maximum 50 guests or...

minimum charge of $1250

Bar + Dining Room + Courtyard: 

8 seats for guests at the bar

40 seats for guests in the dining room 

50 seats for guests in the courtyard

Top of the Shop: minimum 35 guests to maximum 100 guests or... minimum charge of $2500

Bistro Buyout: minimum charge of $3500

with Courtyard: additional $1000

HASR Buyout: minimum charge of $25,000  (we have all inclusive packages + can custom create)


Photo by Kosuke Mae

Photo by Kosuke Mae

“One of the very nicest things about life

is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”    ―Luciano Pavarotti 

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